Final Expense

Final expense insurance, also known as "burial" or "funeral" insurance, is a life insurance coverage designed to handle the final costs associated with death.  Coverage amounts are typically between $2,000-$50,000. These are whole life plans with guaranteed level premiums for life.

Term Life

Term insurance is coverage that is in place for a specified period of time, generally referred to as the “term period”. Should you die before the end of the term period the beneficiary(ies) you have chosen will receive the death benefit.

Universal Life

Universal Life Insurance is a flexible-premium, adjustable benefit life insurance policy that accumulates account value. The flexibility of this policy allows you to change the amount of insurance as your needs for insurance change. The death benefit is tax-free and growth in account value is tax-deferred.


An annuity is a financial product typically used by investors to save tax-deferred for retirement or to generate regular income payments, helping to replace a paycheck in retirement.

Annuities are insurance contracts whose payments are guaranteed by the company issuing the contract.

Medicare Supplement Plans

"Original Medicare” cover some health care costs, they don’t pay for everything. That’s where a medicare supplement may help. Medicare supplement plans are offered from private insurers complement Medicare coverage. These plans help cover some of your out-of-pocket expenses not paid by Medicare.

Standardized Medicare supplement insurance plan benefits are set by the federal government. The basic benefit structure for each plan is the same, no matter which insurance company is selling it.

  • You may visit any specialist who accepts Medicare patients without a referral.
  • You're able to keep your own doctor without network restrictions, as long as they accept Medicare patients.

Medicare Advantage Plans

A Medicare Advantage Health Plan (Medicare Part C) may provide more help at a lower cost than traditional Medicare plus Medigap. Instead of paying for Parts A, B and D, you enroll through a private insurance company that, in many cases, covers everything provided by Parts A, B and D and may offer additional services. 

Medicare Part D Plans

The program gives Medicare recipients these basic choices: stay in traditional Medicare without signing up for the prescription drug benefit, stay in traditional Medicare and enroll in a Medicare drug plan, enroll in other Medicare plans, or enroll in a comprehensive private health plan, which may or may not cover prescription costs. The program began providing coverage for users on January 1, 2006.

Hospital Indemnity Plans

These plans provide supplemental benefits to reduce or eliminate the financial burden of diagnosis with:  cancer, heart attack,stroke or hospital confinement. The benefits are paid directly to the client to provide immediate benefit.

Dental/Vision Insurance

Dental Insurance helps cover costs associated with preventive care, routine checkups, crowns and implants, and orthodontic. Our carrier has the nation’s largest network with over 451,000 access points.

Vision insurance helps cover costs associated with routine checkups, eye exams. Frames, lenses and contacts.

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